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About The Makers

Scriptlighter is brought to you by Nate and Bob.

In December 2011, Nate set up a reading of the "Kings In Judaea" play from Dorothy Sayers' magnificent radio play cycle The Man Born To Be King.

He spent several hours coming up with parts for the different readers, making sure everyone

and realized "I could write an algorithm to do this in a few seconds instead of a few hours."

The idea sat largely untouched for years, until we decided to start setting aside a Saturday every month to actually build it. Bob did the lion's share of the programming, devoting much more time to the project outside the shared Saturday sessions than Nate did.

A few years later, here we are.

We aren't exactly sure yet what it should be. What it grows into (if anything more than it currently is) is largely dependent on what people use it for and what kind of traction it gains.

Several people have requested copyrighted plays, such as Our Town. We would love to offer them, but we would need several things we don't currently have, primarily lots of users, a billing mechanism, and the finances to pay lawyers to negotiate licensing.